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Twelve International Relations Essays

Number of pages: 47

This 47 page paper provides twelve distinct essays. The paper is divided rather evenly to address the following questions provided by a student: What are the functions that a good theory should fulfill? According to the criteria set out by James Rosenau in thinking theory thoroughly, would you describe yourself as a theoretical thinker ? Briefly outline the arguments of those realists who root their theory in pessimistic view of human nature. Discuss the contemporary relevance of Immanuel Kant and his three preconditions of "Perpetual Peace." Discuss the standard of liberalism. In what ways could aspects of liberalism be used to justify the US intervention in Iraq in 2003/2004? Explain the realist conception of the "balance of Power" and discuss how balance of power logic can be applied to the current crisis over Iranian nuclear ambitions. How valid is the assumption that actors behave rationally? Outline world system theory as put forward by Immanuel Wallerstein. Briefly examine and explain the Marxist critique of capitalism, and how according to Marx it was destined to collapse. In the context of structuralism do you as an individual benefit form the current capitalist world order? In you opinion, which theory best explains the world around us today? Bibliography lists 16 sources.

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